• Ben's Bees gift hamper

    Ben’s Bees Gift Hamper


    A perfect gift full of Ben’s Bee goodies.

  • Ben's Bees Manuka Honey Cordial 375ml

    Ben’s Bees Manuka Honey Cordial 375ml


    Manuka Honey Cordial Will Sweeten Your Day! We all remember the after-school sugar rush: racing home, sweat rolling down your face, to a glass of icy lemon cordial. With summers like these, who can forget! A cordial is a concentrated fruit-based syrup, that, in its undiluted state, is syrupy and very sweet. For this reason,…

  • Beehive Skep Beeswax Candle - Large

    Beehive Skep Beeswax Candle – Large


    This large beehive skep is made with nothing other than pure beeswax. Size is 100mm x 76mm and burns for more than 15 hours *Please note that beeswax is a natural product and I do not bleach or add colourings to brighten the candles, so the colours of the beeswax can vary in what flowers…

  • Bee Keeping Gloves - Sting Resistant

    Beekeeping Gloves | Sting Resistant


    Beekeeping Gloves Our protective beekeeping gloves are a must for beekeepers, whether beginners or experienced. Our ventilated, sting resistant gloves will allow you to manipulate the honey bee beehive without exposing your bare hands to the honey bees. The canvas and pure leather gloves provide multiple protective options to the beekeeper. The sizes available are:…

  • Ben's Bees Beeswax Wraps (2 Pack)

    Ben’s Bees Beeswax Wraps (2 Pack)


    Beeswax Wraps x 2 33cm x 33cm Environmental Beeswax Wraps: An Alternative to Plastic It might seem alarming (and it is) that the average Australian goes through more than 60 kilograms of plastic every year. Due to our hectic lifestyles, that centre on fast food, quick fixes and mass production, plastics, in various forms, are…

  • Tasmanian Manuka Honey Bio Active (Unrated) 500g

    Tasmanian Manuka Honey Bio Active (Unrated) 500g


    Tasmanian Manuka Honey Bio Active (Unrated) 500g The therapeutic benefits of manuka honey are reflected by the presence of MGO (Methylglyoxal). This is the lab standard rating that detects compounds in honey that is bioactive. This manuka honey is raw and unfiltered and contains small amounts of MGO. Ben’s Bees also stocks Tasmanian Manuka honey…

  • Ben's Bees Pure Beeswax Egg Candles

    Ben’s Bees Pure Beeswax Egg Candles


    Ben’s Bees Pure Beeswax Egg Candles Approx 10 hour burn time. Easter is a time of giving and receiving, and what better present for that special person than a pure beeswax Easter egg candle? The egg has long been a symbol of new life and fertility; in Africa, the practise of decorating and engraving ostrich…

  • Ben's Bees Double Macadamia Honey 240g

    Ben’s Bees Double Macadamia Honey 240g


    Double Macadamia Honey 240g As Australian as ‘G’day!’ macadamia nuts have gained favour the world over due to their unique creamy taste and texture. Honey produced from the nectar of macadamia flowers also possesses a distinctive nutty flavour, with beautiful floral overtones. This singular blend of superior macadamia honey and select whole macadamia nuts is…

  • Beeswax Fleur De Lis Candle

    Beeswax Fleur De Lis Candle


    Pure Beeswax Fleur de lis Cylinder Candle This candle is made with nothing but pure beeswax. It’s 89mm x 70mm and burns for more than 12 hours. Beeswax candles are naturally beneficial. Although there are many different types of waxes, all can be fundamentally broken down into three categories: waxes derived from animals; waxes from…

  • Egyptian Honey Pot

    Egyptian Honey Pot


    Ancient Honey Pots for Today’s Bee-Lover 950g volume According to mythology, the ancient sun god Re wept, and as he did, his tears turned into a bee, which flew off into the world to make the honey and wax so loved by the ancient Egyptians. The collection and keeping of honey and beeswax has an…

  • Ben's Bees Manuka Honey Body Butter 125g

    Ben’s Bees Manuka Honey Body Butter 95g


    Keep Calm with Ben’s Bees Manuka Body Butter Each day offers new challenges, both physical and mental. With a demanding and energetic occupation, I try to take the time to look after my body and my mind in the best way possible. You have probably all heard of the benefits of wellness by now, but…

  • Tasmanian Manuka Honey 500g (30+ mg/kg)

    Tasmanian Manuka Honey 500g (30+ mg/kg)


    Pure, Raw Tasmanian Manuka Honey 500g. What is Active Manuka Honey? Manuka Honey is made from the nectar of the tea tree bush (also called Leptospermum Scoparium). When Manuka is Active, the honey contains very powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties that ordinary honey does not have, which makes it extremely…

  • Ben's Bees deluxe honey hamper

    Ben’s Bees Deluxe Honey Hamper


    Our boutique hampers are packed with healthy, natural products that anyone will cherish: premium, raw organic honey; candles made from pure, ethically-produced beeswax that actually help purify the air. All of our products are manufactured in Australia by a small, family-owned business. Anna Jarvis believed that a mother would do ‘more for you than anyone…

  • New Zealand Rata Honey (Rare) 250g

    New Zealand Rata Honey (Rare) 250g


    New Zealand’s Rare Rāta Honey 250 gram Last year I did some travel around beautiful New Zealand, visiting beekeepers, researching plants and honey varieties, and soaking up the awe-inspiring natural environment. Anyone that spends time in New Zealand (or Aotearoa, the “long white cloud”, as it is originally known by the country’s Māori people) will…

  • Ben's Bees Gourmet Honey Hamper

    Ben’s Bees Gourmet Honey Hamper


    Four gourmet jars of honey, nestled in a cane hamper with two wooden honey dippers. 240g Black Truffled Honey 240g Vanilla Bean Honey 240g Gold Leaf Honey 240g Macadamia Honey ‘Double’ Macadamia Honey As Australian as ‘G’day!’ macadamia nuts have gained favour the world over due to their unique creamy taste and texture. Honey produced…

  • Langstroth Beekeeping Package (Hive + Bees)


    Traditional Langstroth beekeeping package. This comes with everything to get started in the wonderful world of beekeeping – bees and a quality hive. Included is a healthy 5 frame nucleus hive of bees in their own transportable wooden, reusable hive. A brand new wax dipped and painted double 8 frame kit with 11 pure beeswax…