Drinking Honey Part 1: In Bull Horns Tipped with Silver
What do Queen Elizabeth, the Vikings and Julius Caesar have in common?
What do Queen Elizabeth, the Vikings and Julius Caesar have in common?
Tune in to the Bees With Ben podcast episode 84 where I talk to Joe Horner, a commercial beekeeper and queen breeder in New South Wales.
Tune in to the Bees With Ben podcast episode 83 where I talk to Sarah Calleja of Randox Food Diagnostics in Australia.
The Colour of Honey Part 3: As Red as Beetroot and as Black as Coal. Some honey is anything but honey coloured. ‘Red’ honey is…
The Colour of Honey Part 2: As Blue as the Sky and Royal Purple. We’re exploring honey with an unusual appearance, but this next one…
The Colour of Honey Part 1: As White as Snow and as Green as the Grass. Of course, we all know what honey looks like….
Tune in to the Bees With Ben podcast episode 82 where I talk to Matthew Petersen of Dividing Creek Farm in South Gippsland.
Colony collapse disorder, or CCD, is a complex phenomenon that is having a profound global effect on bees and the beekeeping industry, with an annual loss estimated at up to 45% of colonies in the US.
Tune in to the Bees With Ben podcast episode 10 where I talk to Randy Oliver of Golden West Bees in North California.