How to Spell Honey Bee
Honey bee may seem to be spelled as two words (honey bee), one word (honeybee), or a hyphenated word (honey-bee). The use of two words…
Honey bee may seem to be spelled as two words (honey bee), one word (honeybee), or a hyphenated word (honey-bee). The use of two words…
Ben Moore is passionate about ethical and natural beekeeping practices. For more than a decade, he's been committed to educating the community about bees and their vital connection to the environment and our everyday lives. No matter if you're looking for honey for sale, bees for sale, need bee removal or wasp removal, or for any bee-related questions, you'll get fast, personalised service - often from Ben himself.
Supplementary feeding involves the use of a one-to-one solution of sugar and water. Read about the two circumstances in which sugar syrup may be used.
Bees Show Us How Happy and Healthy Our Cities Really Are. As you know, I love to travel. And even though the countryside is the…
Originating in South Africa, these pests were found in Florida in the 90s and have since spread across the USA – and it’s now been found in Australia.
BEEing sincere. Beeswax is sometimes referred to as cera alba, from the Latin, meaning ‘white wax’, but there is another commonly used word in the…
Creatures of the Sun I have recently been thinking in depth about the magic and menace of summer. It is true that everything in life…
It was the summer of 2014-15, when Simon Fearn, of the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in Launceston, Tasmania, discovered the location of a potentially record-breaking second-year European wasp nest in the central north of the state.