The Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers
The Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers They might be young, but nothing is stopping the kids in this photo. Wise beyond their years, environmentally aware, bright spirited…

The Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers
They might be young, but nothing is stopping the kids in this photo. Wise beyond their years, environmentally aware, bright spirited and hard working – meet the Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers! Over the past couple of years, I have had the privilege of working with and getting to know this evolving group of young people. Just last weekend, I was lucky enough to be their mentor and the judge of their beekeeping competition. Each time I have the chance to head south and visit the kids, when I see their amazing updates on social media, or when a journalist goes to visit and helps share their story, I am filled to the brim with joy that THIS GROUP OF EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE are our future. When there is a lot of sad and distressing stuff flowing around, kids being active and caring about animals, the human race, and the planet is where I turn for a whole mind-spirit makeover.
So, who are the Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers you may ask? Based near Richmond, Tasmania, they are a group of young people, mainly of primary-school age, decked out in bright yellow gloves, slick (but well-used) beekeeping suits, and multicoloured gumboots. Mentored by an incredible bunch of adult keepers, these kids know SO much about bees – they know amazing details about all aspects of bee characteristics, development and life cycle, as well as learning the ropes when it comes to keeping, protecting, and nurturing one of the most vital creatures on the planet.
What’s next? The world, of course! In a recent video interview made with the group for the ABC, they describe that a bunch of the Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers are raising money to leave their island home for Europe, where they will be the first Aussies to take part in an international beekeeping competition there! Sensational and so inspiring! The energy of children is what our environment, and its people, need right now – thank goodness for these kids (says Ben and the bees)!